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Junior Day at State

Moved to Saturday of our State Thespian Festival, Junior Thespians are invited to join us for a full day of workshops and activities!

Junior Thespians participate in Junior Thespians Day at State from 10am-4pm on the Saturday of Thespians State Festival. Students participate in four workshops with local, regional, and national artists.


Sample Schedule

9:30-10:00 Check In

10:00-10:15 - Opening

10:20- 11:05 - Workshop #1

11:10-11:55 - Workshop #2

12:00-12:55 Lunch

1:00-1:45 - Workshop #3

1:50-2:35 - Workshop #4

2:40-3:40 Watch One-Act

3:45-4:00 - Closing


Registration Opens in mid-February.



Officially Inducted Jr. Thespians $50

Future Jr. Thespians $60

Additional Jr. Chaperones: $45

Jr. Troupe Director and Chaperones 1 & 2 attend free of charge.


Scroll down for Registration link.


Production Response and Adjudication

Junior Thespian troupes wanting feedback or to be considered to perform on the Junior Main Stage at Junior State Day will need to complete a Production Response and Adjudication application.


Deadline: Dec. 15


Click here for Junior State Day Production Response and Adjudication information

including SOP, venue information, and application submission link.

Please note that high school Thespian troupes may apply to perform for Junior Thespians as part of the Production Response and Adjudication process.

Participant Forms


Junior Troupe Directors are required to print, distribute, and collect complete, signed copies of each form below for each participating student in the Jr State Day.


Please note:

All forms must be uploaded into your middle school junior troupe's unique folder, located inside the Oregon Thespians G-Suite Shared Drive Folder "Oregon Thespians Required Forms Folder." To access, Junior Troupe Directors must log into your junior troupe's unique account yourschoolname @


1) ALL JUNIOR TROUPE DIRECTORS MUST UPLOAD BOTH the "Health Information and Liability Release" AND "Code of Conduct" FORMS into the Oregon Thespians G-Suite Shared Drive folder "Oregon Thespians Required Forms" folder into your junior troupe's director-created unique junior troupe folder to complete Jr State Day registration.


2) BOTH students AND adults for the duration of the event, an individual paper copy, shown at the registration table on check-in, must go into each participant's nametag wallet. The wallet is provided at Jr State Day registration table when the Junior Troupe Director checks in and receives their registration supplies.


3) JR TROUPE DIRECTORS MUST KEEP THEIR OWN SET OF COPIES, PARTICULARLY THE HEALTH FORM. You can use the e-forms you upload into the Shared Drive, or another paper copy. You may have additional district or school forms, but they will not be accepted as official Jr State Day forms.

Required for ALL participants

(adults and students)

Students without these signed forms will not be permitted to participate.

The required forms will be checked at registration.

  • Junior Troupe Directors must keep their own set of copies, particularly of the Health Form.

  • Each student must keep a copy of their Health Form in their nametag wallet which they will receive at the State Day when your Junior Troupe Director checks in.

Required for ALL participants

(adults and students)

Students without these signed forms will not be permitted to participate.

The required forms will be checked at registration. Junior Troupe Directors must keep their own set of copies.

Junior State Day SOP

Below is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual for Junior State Day. This document can be printed and added to a hardcopy manual, if desired. Check the date of any hardcopies you have. Below is the most current version.


Also available is the HOW TO guide for Hosts, or those considering hosting.

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