Oregon Theatre Educators Association
The Oregon Theatre Educators Association (OTEA) is Oregon’s professional organization for teachers of theatre or theatre-related disciplines at all levels, elementary through secondary, as well as post-secondary theatre education students. OTEA is the teacher-centered arm of the Oregon Chapter of EdTA, home of ITS.
For more information about the Oregon Theatre Educators Association, please contact our Membership Director Julia Cuppy at membership@oregonthespians.org.
While the OTEA works year-round to provide support and advocacy for theatre education, the organization’s focus is its annual Fall Conference, typically held on the second Friday and Saturday in October (designated by many districts as either an in-service or non-contract day).
OTEA is a program of the Oregon Chapter of the Educational Theatre Association. The Chapter’s student-centered program is Oregon Thespians, while OTEA is a teacher-centered program.
Membership in OTEA is automatic for all adult members of EdTA, whether or not the member is affiliated with a Thespian Troupe. EdTA offers several types of memberships, from Pre-Professional access (for college students) to Emeritus Memberships (for retired educators). Click here for complete information.
Note that, by chartering a Thespian Troupe, one adult membership is granted for the designated Troupe Director. Individual Memberships are also available for educators who are affiliated with a Thespian Troupe, or who have no Troupe affiliation.
While members receive a discounted rate at OTEA events and activities, participation is open to all theatre educators in Oregon.
OTEA activities are planned and executed by the Oregon Thespians Board of Directors. This includes the annual one and a half day Conference of workshops and resource sharing.
Registration for the Fall OTEA Conference is done online each Fall.
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2024 OTEA Professional Development Conference
Friday-Saturday, October 11-12, 2024
Who: OTEA – all of us theatre educators from around Oregon, including teaching artists & arts organizations
What: Annual conference including discussions, workshop sessions, and social/networking opportunities!
Where: ***NEW LOCATION*** Shilo Inns Bend • 3105 O.B. Riley Rd. • Bend, OR, 97703
(Website: https://www.shiloinns.com/shilo-inns-bend See below for Lodging info)
(Thursday, October 10 at 6:00 P.M. -- Optional early arrival; informal social gathering as folks arrive)
Programming is all day Friday and ends on Saturday morning.
Friday, October 11 from 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. programming
Light breakfast snacks and full lunch provided
(Optional informal/social evening time)
Saturday, October 12 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. programming/wrap up
(Potential field trip outing to local performing arts venue)
Why: This is Oregon's only statewide Professional Development focused solely on theatre education which is both rejuvenating, and worthy of our time and energy as collaborative artists!
FEATURED FACILITATOR: Teresa Ceniseros, Truth and Conciliation Council​
Focus: Shared History, Tribal History and using Native curriculum in the theatre classroom
Registration Info:
$85 for CURRENT OTEA members*
$95 for non-Members*
$50 First Timers* (new to Oregon Thespians/OTEA)
*Membership in OTEA is automatic with membership in the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA). There are several ways to become an EdTA Member, whether as Troupe Director of a Thespian Troupe, or without any affiliation or participation in Thespians. Visit schooltheatre.org for more information.
Lodging ***NEW LOCATION***
Individual Calls: Reservations at the Shilo Inn must be made individually by calling 541-389-9600 or visiting their website. Please tell them that you are with OREGON THEATRE for $179 for a room of your choice (excluding hot tub rooms). If you have already booked with Shilo Inns, please call back and they can update your room rate to the group price.
Online Reservation: Individuals are also welcome to book their rooms online:
Visit the website: https://www.shiloinns.com/shilo-inns-bend
Enter the date of the stay and number of nights.
Pay as directed.
Please note: The hotel is dog-friendly. Availability is limited, so please call the hotel to make your arrangement.
Remember, they are not permitted at the conference events unless they are a service animal.
Thanks for understanding!​​
NOTE: If the host hotel is booked, several hotels are co-lated near the host hotel within an easy drive. Feel free to book whatever accommodations work for you. Nearby hotels less than a mile away include: Red Lion Inn & Suites and Sugarloaf Mountain Motel
OTEA Award Nominations
Oregon Theatre Educators Association facilitates several awards, to recognize significant contributions to theatre education in Oregon by both individuals and organizations.
These awards include:
Rae Mona Reynolds Humanitarian for the Arts Award named in honor of Rae Mona Reynolds, theatre instructor at David Douglas High School for over 30 years. Ms. Reynolds passed away in 1990. The award shall be presented to an individual or business who, through unselfish donation of time or monetary support, has furthered the activities of secondary school theatre in Oregon.
Michael Hibbard Community Through Theatre Award is named in memory of Michael Hibbard, long time theatre teacher and director at Madison HS and member of OTEA. Michael created a unique sense of community through educational theatre in every organization in which he was a part. The award will be presented to an individual who or organization that builds and sustains a sense of community through educational theatre.​
Rex Rabold Oregon-Educated Theatre Teacher Award is named in memory of Rex Rabold, graduate of South Salem High School and Oregon College of Education (now Western Oregon University), who distinguished himself as an actor and teacher, primarily at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland. Rex passed away in 1990. The award is presented to an individual who received a substantial portion of their education in Oregon and has achieved professional status in acting, writing, directing, or other aspects of theatre arts. The recipient of the award should have had a portion of their career in direct contact with students or teachers of secondary school theatre.​
Oregon Thespians Theatre Teacher of the Year is honoring a theatre teacher who has demonstrated exceptional and inspirational teaching of secondary school theatre to students in any or all theatre areas (such as acting, directing, playwriting, design/tech, and so on) and have contributed a positive impact on the theatre education community in this state.​
Melba Day Sparks Henning Hall of Fame Award is given each year as a career achievement award to adults who have extraordinary service with Oregon Thespians or Oregon secondary educational theatre. Honorees are nominated by their peers, other adults familiar with the nominee, or by the nominee’s students. Troupe Directors are also invited to nominate Thespian and non-Thespian adults who have made exceptional contributions to the growth of theatre and theatre education in Oregon. The award is given each year at the State Festival.​
Below is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual for Oregon Theatre Educators Association. This document can be printed and added to a hardcopy manual, if desired. Check the date of any hardcopies you have. Below is the most current version.
Also available is the HOW TO guide for Hosts, or those considering hosting.